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Mitochondrial Diseases

Mitochondrial Diseases Causes

Mitochondrial diseases are usually inherited by most patients, while others through the exposure of toxins triggering the disease.

Mitochondrial Diseases Definition

Mitochondrial disorders are disorders that affect the skeletal muscles as well as the heart muscles causing problems in the body's organs such as the nervous system, visual system, renal system and, digestive and circulatory systems.

Mitochondrial Diseases Diagnosis

In invaluating individuals suspected with mitochondrial diseases, doctors make clinical observations and patients undergo laboratory tests. Because diagnosing the disease is not taken lightly by specialists, diagnosis can be consume a lot of both the patient and doctor's time, thus expensive and also invasive.

Mitochondrial Diseases Symptoms and Signs

Although mitochondrial diseases are varied, they share a few common symptoms that include weakness and cramps in the muscles, extreme fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, droopy eyelids, paralysis in the eye muscle, degeneration of the retina that may lead to visual loss. Patients also experience seizures and may have impaired balance and coordination as well as delay in learning.

Mitochondrial Diseases Treatment

Mitochondrial disease have no cures but can be treated only to reduce the symptoms or prevent the progression. Patients are treated based on their need because their response to treatments have varying results; they are also guided by specialists. Patients may also be prescribed with certain vitamins and therapies to help them with their condition.