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MODY syndrome

MODY syndrome Causes

MODY is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. Most patients commonly have diabetic family members.

MODY syndrome Definition

Referring to any several rare hereditary forms of diabetes mellitus due to dominantly inherited defects of insulin secretion, maturity onset diabetes of the young or MODY acts like a mild version of type 1 diabetes. the continued partial insulin production and normal insulin sensitivity however mean it is not type 2 diabetes in a young person. The most common forms of the disease are MODY 2 and MODY 3 but as of 2004, six more types have been named and more are likely to be added.

MODY syndrome Diagnosis

Specific gene testing, which is available through a couple of commercial laboratories, is the only way to confirm the diagnosis of MODY.

MODY syndrome Symptoms and Signs

There are some forms of MODY that produce significant hyperglycemia and some typical signs and symptoms of diabetes. Among those are increased thirst and urination, also known as polydipsia and polyuria. Many MODY patients however do not show signs or symptoms of the disease and are only diagnosed by accident. For pregnant women, the discovery of mild hyperglycemia during a routine glucose tolerance test is particularly characteristic.

MODY syndrome Treatment

Good glycemic control or keeping the blood sugar level as close to normal as possible is the principal treatment goal for people with MODY. Blood testing, changes in diet, physical exercise, oral hypoglycemic agents, and insulin injections are the available tools for managing the disease, which are also tools for all forms of diabetes.