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Mold Allergy

Mold Allergy Causes

For people who are highly sensitive to mold have an allergic reaction when the body comes in contact with mold spores, as the immune system identifies it as a foreign product. This triggers the release of histamine in the body and antibodies that would remember this invade. This means, when at a later date the body comes in contact again with mold, it will automatically trigger an allergic reaction.

Mold Allergy Definition

There are over a thousand identified types of mold found in the environment. However, only a few dozen are culprits in triggering an allergic reaction. Mold allergy is the hypersensitivity to exposure to certain types of mold, which can either thrive outdoor or indoor.

Mold Allergy Diagnosis

Diagnosis will be based on the symptoms as well ass family history of allergies. A skin test may also help identify all allergens that can trigger an allergic reaction.

Mold Allergy Symptoms and Signs

People who suffer from mold allergy can experience the similar signs and symptoms that typically occur in most types of respiratory allergies. This includes sneezing and runny nose, itchy eyes, throat and nose, skin rashes, watery eyes, sinusitis, cough and postnasal drip.

Mold Allergy Treatment

The primary goal in the treatment of mold allergy is to provide relief of the symptoms. This includes medications that are specially formulated to help in managing allergic reactions such as inhaled corticosteroids, bronchodilators, and decongestants and antihistamines.