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Multiple chemical sensitivity

Multiple chemical sensitivity Causes

Currently there is no clear accord on what causes MCS.

Multiple chemical sensitivity Definition

Described as a chronic, recurring condition, Multiple chemical sensitivity is characterized by several adverse and variable affects from exposure to otherwise low levels of substances in modern human environments. MCVS has also been termed toxic injury (TI), chemical sensitivity (CS), chemical injury (CI), 20th century syndrome, environmental illness (EI), sick building syndrome, idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI), and Toxicant-induced loss of tolerance (TILT).

Multiple chemical sensitivity Diagnosis

Identifying and treating all other conditions present that may have caused related symptoms is the first step in diagnosing a potential MCS patient. There is also the so-called ?gold standard? procedure to identify a person with MCS. This tests the patient's response to a random introduction of chemicals that he or she has identified as relevant. Responses are classified to either subjective or objective. MCS diagnosis can only be justified when a subject cannot consciously distinguish between chemicals and controls.

Multiple chemical sensitivity Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms of MCS range from mild to disabling. Some of the common symptoms reported by patients include anaphylactic shock, difficulty in breathing, chest pains, asthma, skin irritation, contact dermatitis, hives and other forms of skin rash, headaches, and brain fog (temporary memory loss, attention deficit). Neurological symptoms are also possible such as paralysis and restless leg syndrome.

Multiple chemical sensitivity Treatment

Studies show that MCS is simply a physical manifestation of a psychological disturbance, which might require patients to undergo psychotherapy and take antidepressants. Psychotherapy is said to have resulted in long-term improvements in MCS syndromes.