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Multiple Hereditary exostoses

Multiple Hereditary exostoses Causes

MHE is passed by the genes of affected parents towards their offspring. It is autosomal dominant, which means of one of the parents has the condition, there is a 50% possibility that any of the children will also develop MHE.

Multiple Hereditary exostoses Definition

Hereditary multiple exostoses (HME) is a medical condition that is rare, in which bony spurs or lumps (exostoses, or osteochondromas) develop on a child's bone. The disease is synonymous with Multiple hereditary exostoses and Multiple osteochondromatosis. The latter is the term used by the World Health Organization. Exostoses are do not exist at birth. However, 96 percent of affected people develop multiple exostoses by the time they are 12 years old.

Multiple Hereditary exostoses Diagnosis

Diagnosing HME is based on clinical and/or radiographic findings of multiple exostoses in one or more members of the family.

Multiple Hereditary exostoses Symptoms and Signs

Uneven limb lengths and pain due to multiple exostoses are common among people with HME.

Multiple Hereditary exostoses Treatment

HME currently does not have any cure. Deformities and other movement problems may be addressed through surgery, physical therapy, and pain management. HME patients undergoing several surgical procedures throughout their lifetime are normal in order to remove painful or deforming exostoses. Improving range of motion and correcting limb length discrepancies also require surgery.