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Multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma Causes

The disease begins when new cells form when the body doesn't need them and old cells do not die when they should. The extra cells then form a mass of tissue and become a growth of tumor.

Multiple myeloma Definition

Multiple myeloma is a disease known to have several names; these include MM, myeloma, plasma cell myeloma, or as Kahler's disease after Otto Kahler. It a type of cancer of plasma cells that serve as immune system cells in the bone marrow that produce antibodies.

Multiple myeloma Diagnosis

Further testing is prompted for the presence of anemia, kidney dysfunction, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and high serum protein. Some doctors may request protein electrophoresis of the blood and urine. Diagnostic criteria were agreed upon in 2003 for symptomatic myeloma, asymptomatic myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS).

Multiple myeloma Symptoms and Signs

Myeloma affects many organs, making the symptoms vary. Some of the symptoms a patient experiences may be dues to other causes. Some of the common symptoms in decreasing order of incidence are bone pain, infection, renal failure, anemia, and neurological symptoms.

Multiple myeloma Treatment

Treating multiple myeloma focuses on containing and suppressing the disease. However if the disease is completely asymptomatic treatment may be deferred. Aside from direct treatment of the plasma cell proliferation, routine administration of bisphosphonates is an option to prevent fractures and erythropoietin to treat anemia.