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Multiple organ failure

Multiple organ failure Causes

MODS is caused by an overwhelming, unrestrained systemic inflammatory response that is activated by a number of unreceptive stimuli including sepsis, hypovolemic shock, and severe trauma that lead to massive tissue injury.

Multiple organ failure Definition

Previously known as multiple organ failure (MOF), multiple organ dysfunction (MODS) is altered organ function in an acutely ill patient requiring medical intervention to achieve homeostasis. Using the term MOF should be avoided since the term was coined based upon physiologic parameters to determine whether or not a particular organ was failing.

Multiple organ failure Diagnosis

In 1994 the European Society of Intensive Care created the ?Sepis-Related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA)? score to describe and quantify the degree of organ dysfunction in six organ systems. Four clinical phases have been suggested to aid in the diagnosis of the disorder.

Multiple organ failure Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of the condition are varied, depending on the organs that have malfunctioned.

Multiple organ failure Treatment

MODS therapy is limited to supportive care such as safeguarding hemodynamics, and respiration. The principal target of therapies is maintaining adequate tissue. Admission to an Intensive care unit has also reduces infectious complications.