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Munchausen syndrome

Munchausen syndrome Causes

There is no known exact cause for the syndrome but researchers believe that biological and psychological factors have roles in its development. Theories such as child abuse and history of frequent illnesses requiring hospitalization are also looked up.

Munchausen syndrome Definition

Named after Baron von Manchausen, Munchausen syndrome is a factitious psychiatric disorder or a mental illness. The condition's symptoms are caused by the affected persons themselves or self induced in order to draw attention or sympathy.

Munchausen syndrome Diagnosis

The dishonesty on the affected person's part makes diagnosing Munchausen syndrome difficult. Doctors who do not find physical reasons for the symptoms refer patients to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Munchausen syndrome Symptoms and Signs

People with Munchausen syndrome deliberately produces or exaggerate symptoms in several ways. Hurting themselves, altering diagnostic tests, and lying about fake symptoms are among the things affected people do.

Munchausen syndrome Treatment

People with Munchausen syndrome actively seeks treatment for the various symptoms he or she creates. However, they are often unwilling to seek treatment for the syndrome itself. Just like other factitious disorders, the syndrome primarily requires psychotherapy, which focuses on changing the thinking and behavior of the person.