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Muscle Dysmorphia

Muscle Dysmorphia Causes

Muscle dysmorphia can cause people to: Constantly examine them in a mirror. Do not appreciate their reflections. Become distressed if they miss a workout session or one of six meals per day. Become distressed if a person does not receive enough protein per day in their diet. Take potentially dangerous anabolic steroids

Muscle Dysmorphia Definition

Muscle dysmorphia is a disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with the idea that he or she is not muscular enough. People who suffer from muscle dysmorphia tend to hold delusions that they are "skinny" or "too small" but are often above average in musculature. Referred to as bigorexia or reverse anorexia nervosa, it is a most specific type of body dysmorphic disorder.

Muscle Dysmorphia Diagnosis

To be diagnosed as muscle dysmorphic, the person must exhibit symptoms of the type and degree outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for body dysmorphic disorder, and not merely appear over-interested in physique or engage in behaviors other people would find unwise. Muscle dysmorphia is fairly rare and not just an obsession with working out. Bodybuilding does not satisfy the criteria of a body dysmorphic disorder.

Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms and Signs

In this disorder a person is preoccupied with thoughts concerning appearance, especially musculature. Muscle dysmorphia is strictly related with selective attention: individuals selectively focus their attention on perceived defect (too skinny body, underweight etc.).

Muscle Dysmorphia Treatment

There are several treatments for muscle dysmorphia such as: Cosmetic surgery, Pharmacotherapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy (mostly cognitive restructuring), Cognitive-behavioral therapy