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Mycetoma Causes

Individuals working on and exposed to agricultural works are the ones commonly affected by this condition. In general, men between the ages of 20 and 40 y/o are the ones usually affected. The occurrence of Mycetoma is associated with contact to grains of bacterial and fungal spores discharged into the soil. Infected area often involves an open would on the skin.

Mycetoma Definition

Mycetoma, also referred to as Madura Foot, is a highly relevant disease commonly encountered in arid and semi-arid regions all over the world. This condition can be found in Mexico, the Sahel, in pan-Arabia, Brazil and in the semi-arid areas within India. Mycetoma can also exist in countries as distant as Romania. Mycetoma consists of two common forms. These are the bacterial mycetoma which is also referred to as actinomycetoma and the fungal mycetoma or also known as eumycetoma. These two common presentations of this condition are very hard to determine and differentiate from each another even under the electron microscopy.

Mycetoma Diagnosis

Diagnosis is done by using ultrasound, radiology or fine-needle aspiration of fluid within the affected body part.

Mycetoma Symptoms and Signs

Among the numerous fungi that commonly cause fungal type of madura foot is the Pseudoallescheria boydii which is presented with discharges that looks the same way as yoghurt once the infection matures. Mycetoma is not characterized by hematogenous and lymphatic affectation. Infected parts of the body are usually the hand or foot that goes all the way up towards the arm of leg.

Mycetoma Treatment

Treatments include surgical procedures, antifungal medications and amputation. No definite cure or any vaccine is available do date.