Myofacial Pain Syndrome
Myofacial Pain Syndrome Causes
Myofacial Pain Syndrome is caused by the trigger points or those sensitive areas of the tight muscles fibers which can occur due to injury.
Myofacial Pain Syndrome Definition
Myofascial pain syndrome is type of muscle pain which centers around the trigger points or those sensitive points of the muscles.
Myofacial Pain Syndrome Diagnosis
Confirmation of the medical condition includes undergoing physical examinations where the doctor will check the trigger points of the patient.
Myofacial Pain Syndrome Symptoms and Signs
Symptoms includes aching and severe pain of the muscle, stiffness of the muscle and the joint near it and tension.
Myofacial Pain Syndrome Treatment
Treatment includes physical therapy, oral administration of medications to alleviate the pain and swelling such as the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and trigger point injections.