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Myomas Causes

The exact cause of myoma is not yet known but it is however, linked to genetic alteration especially those gene codes for uterine muscle cells; hormones and the chemical-intake of a person such as those taking insulin.

Myomas Definition

Myomas other wise known as the uterine fibroids, fibromyomas and leiomyomas, is a condition where there is growth of fibroids in the uterus.

Myomas Diagnosis

Diagnosis is made through undergoing ultrasound, imaging tests such as the hysterosonography, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, computerized tomography or CT Scan, the magnetic resonance imaging or the MRI and for some cases the doctor may also advise for the complete blood count or the CBC in order to determine anemia due to chronic blood loss.

Myomas Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms includes unusually long and heavy menstrual bleeding, frequent urination, constipation, pain in the leg and the back and pressure or pain in the pelvic area.

Myomas Treatment

Treatment of Myomas or uterine fibroids includes administration of Gonadotropin releasing hormone or the Gn-RH to trigger menstrual cycle, danazol and oral contraceptives or progestins. Hysterectomy or the uterus removal and myomectomy may also be advised.