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Naegleria Causes

Naegleria infections are caused by Naegleria fowleri, a type of amoeba that thrives in fresh water and soil. The naegleria organism typically infects humans by entering the nose and making its way into the brain. Once inside the brain, the amoeba causes an inflammation and damages the brain tissue. The amoeba thrives in warm fresh water, such as ponds, lakes, hot springs, warm water discharge from industrial plants, as well as improperly maintained pools. Those who swim or play water sports in such bodies of water may be exposed to the naegleria amoeba. Infection may also occur when dust from contaminated soil is inhaled.

Naegleria Definition

Naegleria pertains to a rare infection caused by an amoeba called Naegleria fowleri which invades the brain, causing inflammation and destroying the brain tissue.

Naegleria Diagnosis

Blood tests and brain imaging studies may be done to help rule out other potential causes, such as bacterial meningitis, which closely resemble the symptoms of naegleria infection. A lumbar puncture may be performed, followed by cerebrospinal fluid analysis, to look for the presence of amoebas.

Naegleria Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of naegleria typically manifest within 1-2 weeks of infection, and may include: changes in sense of smell or taste; high fever; sudden headache; stiff neck, vomiting and nausea; confusion; loss of balance; sleepiness; seizures; and hallucinations. Naegleria symptoms tend to progress very rapidly, and, if untreated, can lead to death within 3-7 days.

Naegleria Treatment

Most cases of naegleria infections end in death. However, if the infection is detected early, it may be possible to survive it. The preferred treatment for naegleria is an antifungal medication called Amphotericin B, which is usually introduced intravenously into the space around the spinal cord to kill the invading organism.