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Neuroma, Plantar

Neuroma, Plantar Causes

The exact cause of Plantar Neuroma is not yet known though it may be said to be a response to irritation and injury to the digital nerves leading to the toes. Such may be irritation may be caused by wearing high-heeled shoes and too much jogging and trauma in the feet.

Neuroma, Plantar Definition

A Plantar Neuroma or an Intermetatarsal Neuroma is an unusual growth of nerve tissue in the different parts of the body, most especially the third and fourt toes whereby there is a burning pain the ball of the foot.

Neuroma, Plantar Diagnosis

Diagnosis to confirm the medical condition of plantar neuroma includes examination of the foot and undergoing X-ray to rule out other injury and problems.

Neuroma, Plantar Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms includes the presence of pain in the ball of the foot that extends to the toes and tingling and numbness of the toes.

Neuroma, Plantar Treatment

Treatment includes administration of over the counter medications to relieve the pain. It may also include corticosteroid injections such as steroids to reduce inflammation of the area. Resting and changing shoes to a more comfortable one is also advisable. In some cases, surgical removal may also be used to treat the condition.