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Neurotoxicity Syndromes

Neurotoxicity Syndromes Causes

The primary factor that causes Neurotoxicity syndromes is exposure to man-made or natural neurotoxic substances including: * Substances used in chemotherapy, radiation therapy, organ transplant, and drug therapies * Heavy metals like lead and mercury * Specific foods and food additives * Pesticides * Industrial cleaning solvents * Cosmetics * Other natural products.

Neurotoxicity Syndromes Definition

Neurotoxicity syndromes are disorders characterized by altered nervous system functioning due to exposure to natural or man-made neurotoxins. Exposure to these toxic substances can result to nervous system poisoning by destroying or even killing neurons, which are the key cells responsible for transmitting and processing signals in the brain and other parts of the nervous system.

Neurotoxicity Syndromes Diagnosis

The presence of neurocognitive discrepancies alone are not enough bases to confirm diagnosis of Neurotoxicity syndromes because there are many available substance that can cause this shortage but are not damaging enough to kill neurons.

Neurotoxicity Syndromes Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms may appear immediately after exposure to neurotoxic substances. It some cases, symptoms tend to present later on. The following are some noticeable presentations that may suggest neurotoxicity syndromes: * Weakness in the limb * Numbness in the limb * Vision impairment * headache * Loss of memory * Anxiety * Depression * Impaired cognitive function * Sexual dysfunction * Impaired mental functioning * Brain damage