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Night Terrors

Night Terrors Causes

The normal sleep cycle involves distinct stages, from light drowsiness to deep sleep. During rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the eyes move quickly and vivid dreaming is very common. Each night there are many cycles of non-REM and REM sleep. Night terror (sleep terrors) happens during stage 3 and stage 4 sleep (deep sleep). The cause is still unknown but night terrors are often triggered by fever, lack of sleep, or periods of emotional tension, stress, or conflict.

Night Terrors Definition

Night terror also known as pavor nocturnus, Night terrors are a sleep disorder in which a person quickly awakens from sleep in a terrified state.

Night Terrors Diagnosis

Children from age two to six are most prone to night terrors, and they affect about fifteen percent of all children. Some adult night terror sufferers have a lot of the characteristics of abused and depressed individuals including inhibition of aggression.

Night Terrors Symptoms and Signs

Sudden awakening from sleep, Persistent fear or terror that occurs at night, Screaming, Sweating, Confusion, Rapid heart rate, Unable to fully wake up, Difficult to comfort.

Night Terrors Treatment

In several cases, a child who has a night terror only needs comfort and reassurance. Psychotherapy or counseling can be appropriate in some cases. Benzodiazepine medications such as diazepam used at bedtime will often reduce night terrors; but, medication is not usually recommended to treat this disorder.