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Nodules, Thyroid

Nodules, Thyroid Causes

The cause of Thyroid Nodules is not yet known.

Nodules, Thyroid Definition

Thyroid Nodules is a condition whereby there is one or more nodules that develop within the person's gland. It is usually a water-filled lump and is usually noncancerous but develops and become large to press on the person's windpipe.

Nodules, Thyroid Diagnosis

Diagnosis includes physical examination and undergoing to thyroid function tests, Fine-Needle Aspiration or FNA Biopsy and ultrasonography and thyroid scan.

Nodules, Thyroid Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms includes occurrence of unfounded nervousness, irregular heartbeat and sudden weight loss.

Nodules, Thyroid Treatment

Treatment of Thyroid Nodules includes Thyroid Hormone Suppression Therapy, use of radioactive iodine and alcohol ablation. In some cases treatment may also include surgery or removal of the malignant nodules.