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Nonallergic Rhinitis

Nonallergic Rhinitis Causes

Nonallergic rhinitis is said to be caused by dilating blood vessels which fills the nasal lining with blood and fluid. It is also said to be caused by the nasal lining's inflammation or by a viral infection, irritants found in the environment such as smog and secondhand smokes, changes in the weather and even hormonal changes.

Nonallergic Rhinitis Definition

Nonallergic Rhinitis otherwise known as the Vasomotor Rhinitis is a medical condition where there is a continuous and chronic runny nose. It is a condition brought about when the lining of the nose swells as a result of an expanding blood vessels thereby causing the nose to be congested.

Nonallergic Rhinitis Diagnosis

Diagnosis includes allergy testing, blood testing, and skin tests. Imaging devises such as CT Scan may also be used to confirmed the presence of the Nonallergic Rhinitis.

Nonallergic Rhinitis Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms include runny nose, occurrence of mucus or phlegm in the postnasal drip or the throat, and having a stuffy nose.

Nonallergic Rhinitis Treatment

Treatment include administration of over the counter medications and saline solutions, oral decongestant, the use of saline nasal, corticosteroid nasal sprays and antihistamine nasal sprays.