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Nosebleeds Causes

Most cases of nosebleed do not have an ascertainable cause. In general, nosebleeds may be triggered by injury or trauma, whether mild or severe, to the outside of the nose. For example, a blow to the face, habitual nose picking, or repeated irritation from a cold may trigger a nosebleed. Less commonly, nosebleeds may be caused by an underlying disorder, such as an inability of the blood to clot and a number of other bleeding disorders.

Nosebleeds Definition

Nosebleeds pertain to bleeding coming from the nose commonly occurring in children between 2-10 years of age. Nosebleeds are also known medically as epistaxis.

Nosebleeds Diagnosis

Diagnosis for nosebleeds usually includes a thorough physical examination. In some cases where underlying conditions are suspected, blood tests and radiological investigations may be recommended.

Nosebleeds Symptoms and Signs

Nosebleeds typically occur in only one nostril. In some cases, the bleeding may be heavy enough for blood to fill up the nostril and overflow within the area inside the nose where the 2 nostrils converge (called nasopharynx), eventually spilling into the other nostril to cause bleeding from both sides. In extreme cases, nosebleeds may also drip back into the throat or down into the stomach, causing the patient to spit or vomit blood. If blood loss is excessive, the patient may experience light-headedness, dizziness, fainting, and confusion.

Nosebleeds Treatment

The first line of treatment for nosebleeds entails pinching the patient's nostrils together, asking him/her to sit forward (often with the trunk parallel to the floor), and then waiting for 5-10 minutes for the bleeding to subside. This method is usually effective in stopping mild nosebleeds. When occurring in small children, signs of nasal foreign bodies may be examined and removed. Severe nosebleeds that flow down the throat will require emergency intervention and almost invariably need nasal packing to stop the bleeding.

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