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Oedema Causes

Edemas are caused by the excess fluids that concentrate on one part of the affected organ. They can be due to underlying autoimmune disorders as well as previous diseases.

Oedema Definition

Oedema, or edema, is the excess fluid that accumulates in tissues and organs in the different parts of the body, except for the bones. The accumulation of fluids often causes major system failures that lead to death.

Oedema Diagnosis

Edemas can be diagnosed by CT scans and MRI.

Oedema Symptoms and Signs

Edemas occur in different organs, the most common of which are in the brain and the kidneys. Among the symptoms of edemas is low blood serum, severe pain in the affected areas, and enlargement of the organs where edemas developed.

Oedema Treatment

Treatment of the disease is by surgery to remove the excess fluids. Anti-inflammatory drug therapies are also given to prevent swelling and inflammation of the affected organs.

Drugs used for treatment of Oedema
