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Oligospermia Causes

There are several factors that can temporarily or permanently decrease the sperm count in the semen. Some factors that can temporarily lower sperm count are: high fever; high temperatures; certain drugs and poisons; certain hormonal conditions; certain severe illnesses; smoking; excessive alcohol consumption; and recreational drug use. Meanwhile, factors that can contribute to a permanent reduction of sperm count in men are: varicocele; varicose veins around the testes; inflammation of the testes; as well as exposure to radiation such as in radiotherapy.

Oligospermia Definition

Oligospermia pertains to a deficiency of sperms in the semen. Also known as oligozoospermatism, this condition affects male fertility, but, in some cases, may only be temporary.

Oligospermia Diagnosis

A standard sperm count revealing abnormally low amounts of sperm in the semen can lead to a diagnosis of oligospermia.

Oligospermia Symptoms and Signs

The most common symptoms of oligospermia are male subfertility and male infertility, which may be permanent or temporary. Other than a low sperm count and the consequent infertility it causes, there are no other symptoms associated with oligospermia.

Oligospermia Treatment

To treat oligospermia, the affected male must reduce or completely cease exposure to toxic factors that are causing his condition. If the low sperm count is caused by a systemic disease, treating the underlying cause is, of course, imperative. Other treatment options, depending on the cause or factors involved, are: treatment of prostatitis and antisperm antibodies; treatment of sexual dysfunction; non-specific drug treatments; as well as preventive measures such as cryopreservation or vaccination. In addition, assisted procreation, such as insemination and in vitro fertilization, may also be an option for men who want to start a family.