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Opththalmoplegia Causes

Opththalmoplegia has no definite cause. However, the disease has been linked to certain underlying conditions, in particular: brain disorders such as strokes, encephalitis, brain tumor, and multiple sclerosis; as well as muscle disorders such as myasthenia gravis. Other possible underlying causes are: acute thiamine deficiency, botulism, ocular dystrophy, and acute inflammatory cranial polyneuropathy.

Opththalmoplegia Definition

Opththalmoplegia pertains an eye abnormality characterized by the paralysis of eye muscles. It may also be spelled alternatively as opththalmoplegia.

Opththalmoplegia Symptoms and Signs

The primary symptom of opththalmoplegia is eye muscle paralysis, which may occur alongside: eye muscle weakness; eye muscle wasting; impairment in eyeball movement; as well as difficulty or inability to move the eyes.