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Oral Thrush

Oral Thrush Causes

It is said to be caused by microorganisms such as virus and bacteria that thrive in the body. It is usually aggravated when the protective mechanisms of the body fails and the immune system is thereafter weaken.

Oral Thrush Definition

Oral thrush is a medical condition whereby there is an unusual accumulation of Candida Albicians in the lining of the mouth. It usually manifests as lesions in the tongue and in inner cheeks.

Oral Thrush Diagnosis

Diagnosis includes undergoing throat culture test, endoscopic examination or the esophagogastroduodenoscopy and barium swallow tests to determine the presence and extent of the medical condition.

Oral Thrush Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms includes the presence and production of white and usually creamy lesions in the tongue and the inner cheeks including the roof of the mouth, tonsils and the gums.

Oral Thrush Treatment

Treatment includes administration of antibiotics, use of anti-fungal creams which may be in lozenges and tablets.

Drugs used for treatment of Oral Thrush
