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Otitis Externa

Otitis Externa Causes

Persistent moisture in the ear from swimming or bathing, exposure to an infectious organism from swimming in contaminated water, skin breakage caused by scratching or rubbing the ear with a foreign object are among the common causes of swimmer's ear.

Otitis Externa Definition

An infection of the outer ear and ear canal resulting from the growth of bacteria and fungi which may come from contaminated water or from objects placed in the ear. It is also known as ?swimmer's ear? or external otitis.

Otitis Externa Diagnosis

Physical observation through the use an otoscope is conducted to determine if one is suffering from swimmer's ear. Sample of drainage from the ear, if any, may be cultured to confirm if bacteria and fungi are the causes of the infection.

Otitis Externa Symptoms and Signs

Some symptoms of this condition are: severe pain on moving the outer ear; pain or discomfort in or around the ear; itching of the outer ear, swelling in the ear or lymph nodes in the neck; decreased or muffled hearing, and redness of the outer ear.

Otitis Externa Treatment

Treatment for swimmer's ear include: cleaning, topical and oral medications, and lifestyle modifications.

Drugs used for treatment of Otitis Externa
