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Up until today, the cause of PANDAS is still largely unknown.. But it has been believed that this medical condition is triggered by a certain autoimmune disorder. In each bacterial infection, the human body produces certain antibodies that fight against these invading bacteria. However, in this case, the antibodies would set off a reaction that damages tissues and interacts with the brain, hence the OCD.

PANDAS Definition

PANDAS is actually the abbreviation of the medical condition called Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated that comes with Streptococcal Infections. This term is often used to describe a certain subset of children who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) as well as tic syndrome that display the symptoms of scarlet fever and strep throat.

PANDAS Diagnosis

Diagnosis for PANDAS include the marked presence of some obsessive-compulsive disorder as well as episodes of the symptoms associated with the said medical conditions

PANDAS Symptoms and Signs

Most children usually display a very dramatic, "overnight" onset of the symptoms, which includes vocal and motor tics, compulsions and/or compulsions. In addition to the symptoms, children have the tendency to become unusually moody, irritable as well as show concerns such as being separated from parents.

PANDAS Treatment

The treatments for most children with PANDAS would usually include some behavioral therapy as well as anti-obssesional medications.