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Parcopresis Causes

The cause of Parcopresis is believed to be psychological in nature meaning it occurs when a person in mentally disturbed especially in such cases as removing bowels in other places they are not comfortable in.

Parcopresis Definition

Parcopresis is also known as shy bowel syndrome. This is a psychological disorder of a person who doesn't seem to get to remove their bowels or defecate in other places' comfort rooms but their own where they feel a certain level of privacy.

Parcopresis Diagnosis

The condition is often distinguished from other psychological imbalances of one person through a psychological test.

Parcopresis Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms involves the obvious inability of one person to defecate successfully unless they feel comfortable or feel a certain level of privacy. People suffering from this disorder often are not comfortable going away too far from their place and also develop constipation because they cannot defecate regularly.

Parcopresis Treatment

There is no known effective means of treating patients with the disorder since it is also not deemed very serious in most cases. Sufferers though differ from one extent to another making it difficult to treat and distigiush them. Although therapies can be done to answer the problem, it usually takes a lot of time for the patient to be free of the disorder.