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Peanut Allergy

Peanut Allergy Causes

Like all other food allergies, peanut allergy is triggered by the malfunction of the immune system. In this case, an allergic reaction may be caused by direct contact to peanut or food products with peanut, cross contact as in the processing and handling of food as well as through inhalation.

Peanut Allergy Definition

Peanut allergy is identified as one of the most common form of food allergy and is often diagnosed during the first years of life. In most cases, children usually outgrow this condition as they grow older, while there are some who tend to develop serious reactions that require emergency medical attention.

Peanut Allergy Diagnosis

A skin prick test and a blood test are usually conducted to determine the allergen that caused the allergic reaction.

Peanut Allergy Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms for peanut allergy include skin reactions such as redness, swelling and hives, It can also include itching or tingling sensation in as well as around the throat and mouth, digestive problems such as diarrhea and cramps, nasal congestion and shortness of breath.

Peanut Allergy Treatment

General avoidance to peanut is the most effective prevention of an allergy attack. While this allergy may not be a life-threatening condition, it can cause extreme discomfort and difficulty in breathing that often requires immediate medical attention.