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pet Allergy

pet Allergy Causes

These tiny dander particles on pets are the main irritants and can easily stick to the clothes, carpets and furnishings at home. It can also be carried through the air. Normally, these dander do not cause any really harm. However, for people with highly sensitized immune system, an allergic reaction is expected..

pet Allergy Definition

Pet allergy is characterized by the extreme sensitivity to pet fur or feather, causing an allergic reaction. However, aside from the fur, the well-known irritant in pet allergies in the animal dander or the dead skin flakes that floats around the air causing watery eyes and other typical reactions to an allergy.

pet Allergy Diagnosis

The symptoms are the primary basis of the diagnosis for pet allergy. Blood tests and skin tests may also be conducted to confirm the diagnosis.

pet Allergy Symptoms and Signs

Among the most common symptoms of a pet allergy include sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, postnasal drip, itchy nose and watery eyes. Pet allergies usually share the same symptoms of an asthma attack and for people with asthma, an allergy further aggravates their condition.

pet Allergy Treatment

Like food allergies, the primary treatment for pet allergy is to avoid pets and animals in general. However, if you want to keep your pet, it is best to clean home regularly and bathe the bet to avoid accumulation of dander. Always keep handy some medications in case of an allergy attack such as antihistamines.