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Peyronie Disease

Peyronie Disease Causes

The cause of Peyronie disease is traced back to the abnormal development of fibrous plaques in the penis' soft tissues.

Peyronie Disease Definition

Peyronie's disease is a disorder of the connective tissue because of the development of some fibrous plaques in the soft tissue found in the patient's penis. Other term for Peyronies Disease is penile induration.

Peyronie Disease Diagnosis

An expert urologist can diagnose Peyronie disease and suggest treatment. It can be diagnosed using different laboratory tests.

Peyronie Disease Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of patients having Peyronie disease may experience pain, cord-like lesions, hardened or some abnormal curvatures of the penis organ seen when erect. Some symptoms also include the penis becoming narrow and or short. Some patients also experience problems like erectile dysfunction. Sexual intercourse becomes painful and difficult for the patients.

Peyronie Disease Treatment

It is advised to always consult a physician before applying any treatment for the disease. The patients are also advised to really avoid bending or forcing the erect penis back to the former alignment because this could cause injuries to the organ which can be serious and can also make the condition worst. There are also many oral medication given as treatments but results are not yet very reliable. Some also considered surgeries like the Nesbit operation. This is however considered as the last option. Some counseling are also done as treatment for Peyronie's Disease.