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Phaeohyphomycosis Causes

This infection can be due to low immune system and exposure to the fungus.

Phaeohyphomycosis Definition

Phaeohyphomycosis pertains to a group of mycotic (fungal) infection identified by the presence of dematiaceous (brown-pigmented) septate hyphae and, sometimes, yeast, or both in the tissue. The infection can be seen as superficial and deep, and often leads to subcutaneous cyst formations.

Phaeohyphomycosis Diagnosis

Healt care providers first need to determine the infection by testing pus and tissue that are prepared in 10% KOH. Doctors then need to find the characteristic key (the dematiaceous nature of the hyphal elements) to determine a diagnosis of phaehyphomycosis.

Phaeohyphomycosis Symptoms and Signs

It is a skin infection involving the stratum corneum. The fungus may also grow in the hair shaft in hairy areas. The infection is the presence of single, discrete, well-encapsulated cysts with pus-like fluids and fungus. The whole body may be covered with lesions. Boils or lump are also found. The central area is necrotic and becomes an abscess. Necrotic area is full of puss and may exhibit fungal elements.

Phaeohyphomycosis Treatment

Phaeohyphomycosis can usually be controlled by surgical excision and chemotherapy. The preferred drugs used for medication are Amphotericin B and 5-fluorocytosine or Itraconazole. The invasion of this infection to the brain or bone has a serious projection.