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Phantom Pain

Phantom Pain Causes

The definite cause of phantom pain is not known, but it is believed to originate in the brain, as a sort of a reaction in cases of amputation.

Phantom Pain Definition

Phantom pain is a feeling of pain coming from a body part that has already been amputated or no longer in existence.

Phantom Pain Diagnosis

There is no particular test to diagnose phantom pain, it may only be determined through the collection and assessment of information, from the person suffering the symptoms, relative to the circumstances which led to the symptoms of phantom pain.

Phantom Pain Symptoms and Signs

The definitive symptom of phantom pain is the feeling of pain, which may be described as shooting , throbbing or burning, from an already inexistent limb because of amputation. The said sensation is usually felt within the first few days of amputation. The person suffering from phantom pain would also be uneasy.

Phantom Pain Treatment

The treatment options for phantom pain may be medications, noninvasive therapies, and invasive options which include injections. In extreme cases, surgery may be resorted to.