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Pharyngitis Causes

Pharyngitis is primarily caused by a virus, which may be in the form of the common cold virus, adenovirus, and influenza virus, among others. Pharyngitis may likewise be caused by bacterias which include Group A streptococcus that causes strep throat.

Pharyngitis Definition

Pharyngitis is the inflammation due to irritation of the back of the throat, or of the pharynx.

Pharyngitis Diagnosis

To diagnose pharyngitis, a physical examination is used. The physician will particularly take note of the condition of the pharynx to look for drainage or coating. Throat cultures may likewise be done.

Pharyngitis Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms of pharyngitis include sore throat, strep throat, headache, fever and colds. There may be instances that the person suffering from pharyngitis experiences difficulty in swallowing and breathing. ------------------------------------------------

Pharyngitis Treatment

Pharyngitis may be treated through warm salt water gargles, intake of lots of fluid, pain relievers, and antibiotics.

Drugs used for treatment of Pharyngitis
