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Philippine Hemorrhagic Fever

Philippine Hemorrhagic Fever Causes

The disease is caused by a virus infection carried by the female mosquito two species of the Aedes family. It can be transmitted through mosquito bites.

Philippine Hemorrhagic Fever Definition

Philippine hemorrhagic fever, also known as dengue fever, is an epidemic disease caused by mosquitoes under the Aedes family. It is a common cause of death that has plagued Asian countries especially during rainy days.

Philippine Hemorrhagic Fever Diagnosis

The disease can be diagnosed based on reported outbreaks and presence of the symptoms shown by the patients.

Philippine Hemorrhagic Fever Symptoms and Signs

Patients with dengue fever suffer from high fever, extreme weakness, coughing, and internal bleeding. When not immediately treated, the disease can be fatal.

Philippine Hemorrhagic Fever Treatment

Dengue fever can be treated by antibiotics. Maintaining clean surroundings and practicing correct sanitation procedures, particularly treatment of water facilities are advised to prevent the mosquitoes from thriving.