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Pierre Robin Syndrome

Pierre Robin Syndrome Causes

The exact causes of the disorder are unknown, but some studies claim that during pregnancy, the mandible becomes stuck rather than developing in shape as the fetus matures. The other facial bones become compressed and stagnate in development as well, leading to such malformations once the fetus is born.

Pierre Robin Syndrome Definition

Pierre Robin syndrome is a congenital malformation of the facial attributes. It is not triggered by a genetic defect; rather, the disease is a chain of malformations that develop one after the other.

Pierre Robin Syndrome Diagnosis

The disease can be diagnosed immediately after the infant is born.

Pierre Robin Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

The main symptoms of this disorder are a small jaw, refracted tongue, and a cleft palate.

Pierre Robin Syndrome Treatment

Treatment for this defect is by a string of surgical operations that not only fix the physical attributes of the patient's face, but also to repair system malfunctions. Nasopharengeal surgery is done to help fix the air passageways to be able to breathe normally and reduce speech problems.