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Pilonidal cyst

Pilonidal cyst Causes

The disease is an acquired condition and most doctors believe that it results from the growth of ingrown hairs. Trauma worsens the disorder.

Pilonidal cyst Definition

Pilonidal cysts, or sacroccygeal fistula, is the general term used for skin infections that occur near our tailbone. The infection commonly begins when ingrown hairs press into skin folds, irritating and inflaming skin and resulting to discomfort. The harm however lies when pus fills the infected area, causing pilonidal abscess. Pilonidal cysts are more likely to affect men than women, especially those in their early adulthood. It can also be observed in the navel and armpits.

Pilonidal cyst Diagnosis

To diagnose the disorder, doctors will take an individual's history and perform physical exams. They will take particular notice of tenderness, swelling and redness in between cheeks of buttocks, fever, and inflammation of the skin surrounding the area.

Pilonidal cyst Symptoms and Signs

A small lump growing on the tailbone in buttock crease is the first signal of the disease. When this grows larger and inflames, pain will be felt in the tailbone area worsened when pressure is apllied. In the case of pilonidal abscess, the patient will experience pain, redness, localized swelling and fever.

Pilonidal cyst Treatment

A combination of treatments are prescribed to individuals affected with the disease. Doctors oftentimes administer antibiotics and application of hot compress and depilatory creams on the patient's lower back. The cysts are lanced, while surgery has proven to be effective in curing the cysts. Even after the surgery, pilonidal cysts are likely to surface again.