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Pituitary Insufficiency

Pituitary Insufficiency Causes

Among the causes of pituitary insufficiency are brain tumor, head injuries, hypophysitis, meningitis, stroke, infiltrative diseases, and genetic mutations resulting in the impairment of pituitary hormone production.

Pituitary Insufficiency Definition

Pituitary insufficiency, otherwise known as hypopituitarism, is a rare disorder, in which there is an underproduction by the pituitary gland of one or more of its hormones, or it does not produce them at all.

Pituitary Insufficiency Diagnosis

To arrive at a diagnosis, blood tests may be done to detect deficiency in hormone production as a result of pituitary failure. Also, brain imaging, such as CT scans and MRI may help detect a pituitary tumor or other abnormality, which may be causing pituitary insufficiency.

Pituitary Insufficiency Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms of pituitary insufficiency include fatigue, weakness, weight loss or gain, decline in appetite, headaches, abdominal discomfort, and low blood pressure, among others. Additional symptoms experienced by a male suffering pituitary insufficiency are erectile dysfunction, loss of interest in sexual activity, and decrease in facial and body hair. A female afflicted with this condition experiences irregularity of menstrual periods and infertility.

Pituitary Insufficiency Treatment

The cure for this condition is the treatment of the underlying cause. Hormone replacement medication is believed to be an effective treatment for the disorder.