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Pleural Cancer

Pleural Cancer Causes

Regular exposure to asbestos leading to inhalation of loose, air-borne asbestos fiber that may lodge into the lung lining and cause inflammation, which can lead to cancerous tumors.

Pleural Cancer Definition

Pleural Cancer is a type of cancer occurring in the layer of tissue covering the lungs and the lining the interior wall of the chest cavity that protects and cushions the lungs. Technically, the pleura is a sac that contains the lungs and a thin membrane called the mesothelium. Mesothelioma is cancer of the pleural lining caused by asbestos.

Pleural Cancer Diagnosis

CT scans and MRI scans for detailed picture of the chest and lung area. A biopsy to study a sample of the tissue or fluid around the lung area can complete the diagnosis.

Pleural Cancer Symptoms and Signs

The symptoms include: coughing, chest pains, wheezing, shortness of breath, fluid in the lungs known as pleural effusion, hoarseness of difficulty speaking, and occasionally, blood clots. Loss of appetite and weight loss are also observed.

Pleural Cancer Treatment

This disease is not easily detectible; the cancer is usually in its advanced stage when discovered. Cancer treatments are used like chemotherapy. surgery to remove cancer infected organ like the lung is considered a last resort.