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Polyarteritis Nodosa

Polyarteritis Nodosa Causes

The cause of polyarteritis nodosa is unknown. However, the disease occurs when arteries are attacked by certain immune cells usually affects adults and more common in individuals infected with hepatitis B.

Polyarteritis Nodosa Definition

Polyarteritis nodosa is an autoimmune disease affecting any organ of the body. It is also referred to as Kussmaul disease or Kussmaul-Meier disease.

Polyarteritis Nodosa Diagnosis

Physicians confirm their diagnosis based on the results of physical examination and, biopsy or angiography done on affected tissues revealing inflamed blood vessels. Urine may also be tested to check the prescence of protein and red blood cells. However, no specific lab tests are done to diagnose the disease.

Polyarteritis Nodosa Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of the disease are the results of the damage to affected organs such as the skin, heart, kidneys, and nervous system. Common symptoms include aches in the muscles and joints, skin rashes, weight loss, fever, or fatigue.

Polyarteritis Nodosa Treatment

At present, there is no cure for polyarteritis nodosa. It must be treated early to decrease the inflammation of the arteries by suppressing the immune system. Medications used for treatment include high-dose intravenous and oral cortisone medications and immunosuppressive drugs. Antiviral medications are primarily used as treatments for patients with hepatitis B. If left untreated, polyarteritis nodosa can be fatal.