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porphyria Causes

Porphyria is an inherited conditions or can be triggered by drugs, chemicals, fasting, smoking, drinking alcohol, infections, emotional and physical stress, menstrual hormones, and exposure to the sun. Porphyria can be inherited from one parent with the abnormal gen or both parents who have the abnormal gene.

porphyria Definition

Porphyria is a group of various disorders due to abnormalities in the chemical process that produce heme. The largest amounts of heme are found in the blood and bone marrow, in which it carries oxygen.

porphyria Diagnosis

Doctors diagnose disorder by conducting blood, urine, and stool tests to check for any abnormal enzymes that are necessary in the production of heme. Any abnormalities can cause build up of porphyrin or its precursors and excreted in the urine and stool.

porphyria Symptoms and Signs

Porphyria manifests with either skin problems or neurological complications, or a combination of both. Individuals with porphyria affecting the skin have blisters, itching, and skin swelling when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Those with porphyrias affecting the nervous system feel intermittent pain in the chest, abdomen, limbs, or back; muscle numbness, tingling, paralysis, or cramping; vomiting; constipation; and personality changes or mental disorders.

porphyria Treatment

Each form of porphyria is treated differently. Medications may be prescribed to relieve the symptoms. Patients with severe attacks need to be hospitalized.