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Post Polio Syndrome

Post Polio Syndrome Causes

Exact causes of PPS is unknown but two theories persist. One theory proposes that the condition is due to neural fatigue from overworked neurons that has shouldered the burden left by the neurons that were killed during the initial infection. The other theory says the original vital infection has damaged portions of the lower brain which may include the thalamus and hypothalamus thus upsetting the hormones that control muscle metabolism.

Post Polio Syndrome Definition

Post Polio syndrome (PPS) is a disorder that is experienced by individuals who have suffered from an initial paralytic attack of poliomyelitis, a viral infection that affects the nervous system.

Post Polio Syndrome Diagnosis

Diagnosis of PPS is difficult since it is hard to distinguish symptoms of PPS from the original infection.

Post Polio Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Individuals suffering from PPS experiences increased muscle weakness, fatigue and muscle pain. Memory problems and other cognitive difficulties are experienced by some PPS sufferers. Weight gain is also a common symptom but it may be due to the decreased level of physical activity of most patients because of fatigue. These symptoms typically appear 20-40 years after the original attack of the viral infection, between the age of 35 to 60.

Post Polio Syndrome Treatment

Fatigue episodes experienced by PPS sufferers are treated by the careful management of energy expenditure. In some cases, the use of leg braces and other orthotics may be necessary. In more severe cases, the sue of wheelchairs is suggested.