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Post-Polio Syndrome

Post-Polio Syndrome Causes

There is no known cause for the post-polio syndrome. Most experts however, subscribe to the degenerating nerve cells theory as the cause of post-polio syndrome. The theory is explained in the following manner: to address the neuron shortage caused by the poliovirus, the remaining neurons sprout new fibers and enlarged the motor units, promoting recovery of the use of the muscles. Because of this however, added stress is placed on the nerve cell body to nourish the additional fibers. After some time, this stress may be more than the neuron can handle, leading to the gradual deterioration of the sprouted fibers and, eventually, the neuron itself.

Post-Polio Syndrome Definition

Post-polio syndrome is a condition wherein a person who has had polio, experiences certain late effects of the disease, many years after the illness.

Post-Polio Syndrome Diagnosis

To arrive at a diagnosis of post-polio syndrome, doctors examine the medical history of the patient to determine if there was a previous diagnosis of polio. Other tests which may be used to confirm that the person is suffering from post-polio syndrome, and not from other diseases, are blood test, imaging, EMG and nerve conduction studies.

Post-Polio Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Among the symptoms of post-polio syndrome are as follows: muscle and joint pain, new muscle weakness in limbs originally affected by the initial illness, or in limbs that did not seem to have been originally affected, fatigue and exhaustion with minimal activity, decreased tolerance of cold temperatures, and sleep-related breathing disorders.

Post-Polio Syndrome Treatment

There is no known treatment to post-polio syndrome. However, there are treatments prescribed for the purpose of managing its symptoms. Among which are medications, which include aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, occupational therapy, sleep apnea treatment, and speech therapy.