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Rebound Headache

Rebound Headache Causes

The condition occurs by taking more than the required headache medications. Most pain relievers contribute to the condition. Certain medications however, may lead to rebound headaches. Such medications may include simple pain relievers, combination pain relievers, migraine medications, opiates. Daily doses of caffeine may also contribute to the condition.

Rebound Headache Definition

Rebound headaches are cycles of headaches. They are also referred to as medication overuse headaches.

Rebound Headache Diagnosis

The doctor learns about the patient's headaches and the medications used in order to ascertain his or her diagnosis. The patient undergoes a physical examination to determine any signs of illness, infection, or neurological problems. If the cause is uncertain, the patient undergoes blood or urine tests to determine any underlying medical conditions. The doctor sometimes recommends an X-ray, computerized tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging.

Rebound Headache Symptoms and Signs

Rebound headaches usually occur daily and persist all through the day, with the worse pain at the start of a headache as the medication wears off. Other symptoms include anxiety, nausea, memory problems, depression, and trouble sleeping.

Rebound Headache Treatment

The doctor restricts the patient's use of pain medication or recommends stopping the medication that is causing rebound headaches. The patient may also need treatments to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.