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Rectal Abscess

Rectal Abscess Causes

Rectal abscess is more commonly caused by high density bacterial infections that result in a localized buildup of abscess or pus. Certain underlying conditions and factors, including old age, diabetes, and Crohn's disease are risk factors for developing rectal abscess.

Rectal Abscess Definition

Rectal abscess pertains to an abscess buildup in the rectal area, often due to bacterial infections that produce a localized accumulation of pus. The abscess is typically located either at the opening of the rectum or further up the rectum. Rectal abscess is also used alternately with the phrase ?anal abscess?.

Rectal Abscess Diagnosis

The pain associated with rectal abscess is often mistaken for hemorrhoids. However, abscess is suspected when pain rapidly progresses within 1-2 days, along with the appearance of general symptoms such as fevers and chills. Hemorrhoids can be ruled out, and rectal abscess confirmed, through simple visual inspection of the affected area.

Rectal Abscess Symptoms and Signs

Along with characteristic abscess or puss in the rectal area, rectal abscess generally has the following symptoms: rectal pain; rectal swelling; rectal warmth; rectal redness; and rectal tenderness. In some case, fever has been known to occur as well.

Rectal Abscess Treatment

Mild cases of rectal abscess can be managed with antibiotic medication. However, in severe cases, particularly those that are recurrent and frequent, surgical intervention may be needed to drain the abscess or pus from the infected cavity.