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Rectal Itching

Rectal Itching Causes

The condition is caused by a variety of factors such as dry skin, too much moisture, excessive washing or failure to completely rinse the soap, chemical irritants, food irritants, medications, overuse of laxatives, hemorrhoids, infections, skin disorders, yeast infections, anal abrasions and fissures, anal tumors. Most cases are caused by harmless problems, while others may be a sign of a serious medical condition.

Rectal Itching Definition

Rectal itching is an itching around the anus. It is also called pruritis ani or anal itching.

Rectal Itching Diagnosis

Doctors diagnose the condition by asking the patient about the symptoms. The doctor may refer the patient to a dermatologist or proctologist for further evaluation if the cause cannot be determined. The patient may be required to undergo a rectal exam. Proctoscopy or colonoscopy may also be conducted to check the digestive tract to identify an underlying cause of the condition. But the specific cause may never be identified.

Rectal Itching Symptoms and Signs

Individuals suffer from burning sensation and soreness or pain in and around the anus. Some individuals cannot resist the urge to scratch the area due to intense irritation.

Rectal Itching Treatment

The condition depending on its cause, which may include self-care measures, changes to your diet, or treatment of infections. In rare cases, the patient may undergo surgery to correct an underlying problem. The doctor may also prescribe over-the-counter medication to reduce inflammation and pain.