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Rectal Prolapse

Rectal Prolapse Causes

This disorder is due to weakened muscles and ligaments that hold the rectum. This condition is ofter related to: age, long-term constipation or straining during defecation, long-term diarrhea, pregnancy and stress related to childbirth, previous surgery, cystic fibrosis, COPD, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, anal sex, and other sexual activities involving the anus.

Rectal Prolapse Definition

Rectal Prolapse is a medical disorder where the walls of the rectum jut out of the anus and can be seen outside the body. There are 3 main kinds of rectal prolapse: full-thickness (the entire rectum protrudes), mucosal prolapse (only the rectal mucosa protrudes), and internal intussusceptions (rectum collapses but does not protrude from the anus)

Rectal Prolapse Diagnosis

The patient may be asked to sit on a toilet and strain as well as do a phosphate enema. This is to confirm the presence of a prolapsed rectum.

Rectal Prolapse Symptoms and Signs

Patients who suffer from rectal prolapse may undergo: pain during bowel movements, mucus or blood discharge from the protruding tissue, fecal incontinence or the inability to control bowel movements, loss of urge to defecate, and awareness of something protruding upon wiping

Rectal Prolapse Treatment

Medication can be given to avoid straining of the rectum. In more serious cases, the doctor may opt to perform either abdominal surgery or perineal surgery.