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Rectocele Causes

The condition occurs when the fascia between the rectum and vagina is weakened thus, allowing the rectums' front wall to bulge into the vagina. Some women may develop the condition during childbirth. Other processes that place pressure on the fascia can also lead to a rectocele. Typically, the condition occur after menopause during which estrogen decreases.

Rectocele Definition

Rectocele is a condition in which the rectum's front wall bulges into the vagina.

Rectocele Diagnosis

The doctor confirms his or her diagnosis of the condition through a physical examination of the vagina and rectum. During the physical examination, the patient is asked to sit down as if defecating causing the bulging of the rectocele. This enables the doctor assess the rectocele's size and location. The strength of the patient's pelvic muscles may also be assessed by contracting them as if stopping a stream of urine. If the examination reveals anything unrelated to the patient's condition, the doctor recommends an imaging test such as magnetic resonance imaging or an X-ray exam. These tests help determine rectocele's size and the efficient emptying of the patient's rectum. Note that these tests are not usually done in diagnosing a rectocele.

Rectocele Symptoms and Signs

A mild condition does not show any signs or symptoms. If not, the patient feels a soft bulge of tissue inside the vagina, which may either protrude or not through the vaginal opening. The person may also experience difficulty defecating or controlling the passing of feces, and may need to press the fingers on the bulge in the vagina to help push stool out during defecation.

Rectocele Treatment

The condition is treated based on its severity. If it is mild, the patient may not need any treatment but only self-care measures such as exercise to strengthen the pelvic area muscles. For a severe condition, the patient may undergo pessary or surgery