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Red Eye

Red Eye Causes

The cause of the condition is not usually known. But some actions rupture a small blood vessel in the eye such as violent coughing, strong sneezing, heavy lifting, and vomiting. Blood-thinning medications and some herbal supplements may increase the risk of subconjunctival hemorrhage.

Red Eye Definition

Red eye also called subconjunctival hemorrhage, is a harmless condition in which the white of the eye appears red due to a broken tiny blood vessel.

Red Eye Diagnosis

The doctor diagnoses subconjunctival hemorrhage by looking at a patient's eye and may not need to conduct further tests. But the patient may be asked about his or her general health, and may undergo a routine blood test to ensure there is no serious bleeding disorder. The patient's blood pressure may also be taken.

Red Eye Symptoms and Signs

An individual with a subconjunctival hemorrhage has a bright red patch on the white of the eye. It does not cause a discharge from the affected eye and does not distort the vision. The patient only has a scratchy feeling on the affected eye's surface.

Red Eye Treatment

Eyedrops or artificial tears are used to soothe any scratchy feeling in the eye. The medication will be absorbed within 10 to 14 days, after which there will be no further treatment.