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Renal Dysplasia Mesomelia Radiohumeral Fusion

Renal Dysplasia Mesomelia Radiohumeral Fusion Causes

Renal dysplasia mesomelia radiohumeral fusion syndrome is a congenital syndrome passed via an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance.

Renal Dysplasia Mesomelia Radiohumeral Fusion Definition

Renal dysplasia mesomelia radiohumeral fusion, also called Ulbright Hodes, is an extremely rare syndrome characterized by abnormalities in kidney development and various defects in the arm bone.

Renal Dysplasia Mesomelia Radiohumeral Fusion Symptoms and Signs

Common signs of renal dysplasia mesomelia radiohumeral fusion syndrome includes the following: abnormal kidney development, retarded growth, missing arm bones and leg bones, fused forearm bones, short arms, mesomelia, external genitalia deformities, rib anomalies, Potter-like facies, underdeveloped lungs, and respiratory distress, among others. Afflicted patients were described as having a beaked or broad nose, a high arched palate, a short neck, a small jaw, short stature, and clubfoot. In documented cases, infants with the syndrome all died shortly after birth.