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Respiratory Infection

Respiratory Infection Causes

There are more than 200 viruses can cause. Respiratory infection spreads through sneezing, coughing, or personal contact. It is easier to get this infection if the patient is tired or stressed, not eating enough healthy food, smoking and living and working in crowded areas.

Respiratory Infection Definition

Respiratory infection is more commonly known as upper respiratory infection of (URI). This is a type of infection of the head and chest caused by a virus. The nose, throat, sinuses, ears and airways are affected. This infection usually lasts a couple of weeks.

Respiratory Infection Diagnosis

The doctor evaluates the symptoms and determines if these are due to bacterial infection. Health providers may then prescribe antibiotics.

Respiratory Infection Symptoms and Signs

URI may produce some of the following symptoms: scratchy or sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion, cough, watery eyes, ear congestion, slight fever, headache and loss of appetite

Respiratory Infection Treatment

Symptoms manifest between 1 to 3 days after a cold virus is contracted. Patients can keep well hydrated and have plenty of rest. Medication may be needed to deal with they symptoms like ibuprofen for fever, throat lozenges for sore throat, cough drops for coughs, and decongestant for stuffy nose. Physicians may also prescribe antihistamines.

Drugs used for treatment of Respiratory Infection
