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Ringworm Of The Scalp

Ringworm Of The Scalp Causes

The condition is caused by mold-like fungi that attack the scalp skin's outer layer invading the hair shaft and causing it to break. If untreated, the condition is contagious and easily spreads through contact with infected persons. It may also spread through touching common items touched by an infected person or animal, or grooming or petting an infected animal.

Ringworm Of The Scalp Definition

Ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection affecting the scalp, skin, and nails. It is also known as tinea capitis.

Ringworm Of The Scalp Diagnosis

The doctor determines whether the condition is ringworm or another skin disorder by taking a sample of the skin or plucking hairs from the infected area and examine them under a microscope. If it is ringworm, a fungus shows. If negative but ringworm is still suspected, the samples are further tested in a lab.

Ringworm Of The Scalp Symptoms and Signs

Ringworm of the scalp is usually affects children who would experience having scalps with itchy, red, and bald-looking patches. These patches may be painful or tender and gradually expand.

Ringworm Of The Scalp Treatment

An infected child may take medications orally or applied directly to the infected area. Oral medication may be liquid, table, or a granule mixed with food. It is more effective than medication applied on the area. The medication needs to be taken regularly unless otherwise directed by the physician.